I just bought an iDock D23 and the device was working well at the beginning but after a few days I started to experience lags in the USB IO (displays working well).
I ensured that the usb cables were tightly connected and I even switched a power port. What else can I do?
Thank you!
Issue remains with both computers.
Hi there,
Thanks for getting back to us and sorry for the issue.
Kindly please try factor reset the devcei for a check: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/es3xc68u3e64ph21rjfl3/AOs3ig6pRP00P-MMTQ2COzY?rlkey=hno96ymityvq1iork79ffbg0j&st=mdu77uls&dl=0
Please running this software "as the administrator“access,and if it pop up and warning,please click “More info” then click “run”
And also you can try test with different computer for a check.