Problems with Monitor flicker and drop out iDock C10

I have new iDoc C10 running my desktop and I’m having random monitor flickers and dropouts. I’m also having issues with the computer not shutting down properly so I have to to a hard shutdown using the power button.

For information I’m running a AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT and I’m using all the supplied cables that came with the iDoc C10 other than the output cables which are not supplied.

I’m doing a lot of gaming on one monitor while using a web browser on the other. Any idea why I’m experiencing these issues as it’s very frustrating.

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Hello Fluxtor,

Thanks for getting back to AV Access,we are truly sorry for the touble caused.
Does the video dropout issues happened on both two monitors?
What is the output resolution and refresh rate on the monitor(s)?
If only one monitor have this issues and which output port monitor? If in out 1 and could you try switch to out 2 for a check,as the out 1 come with DP signal convert to HDMI out.
We have the new firmware for the iDock C10 and please try upgrade to have a test: iDock C10 new firmware
Best Regards,

Hi Kevin,

Just to let you know I’m not ignoring this I just haven’t had chance to give the firmware update a try. As for the dropout it’s usually monitor 2 (HDMI) which drops out and monitor 1 (DP) which flickers but sometimes does momentarily drop out. As for refresh rates monitor 1 (DP) is set to 120Hz and monitor 2 (HDMI) is set to 59.940Hz. Both monitors are running full HD (1920 x 1080).

Hope this information helps!


Could you try switch two monitors’ connected port:
So the 120Hz monitor work on OUT 2,and 59.94Hz monitor connected in OUT 1.
Then check does they still have the problem or not?

I only noticed my laptop screen is flickering when i have selected my desktop to work on. Is this fixable? (Slightly different problem).
Is it recommendable to install the latest firmware or only when there are problems? Are there any releasenotes available so one can decide to update or not?



Please try exchange two monitors’ connection to have a check.
Then you can also try lowering your laptop screen’s frame rate to have a check does the flickering issues still persist or not?
And you can try upgrade the new firmware in the first if it is not the latest version(V3.1.2).
Best Regards,

I haven’t noticed the flickering of the laptop screen again since i installed latest firmware when i was on the “pc-channel” with the laptop screen ON, so for me this problem / scenario is solved.


The flickering seems to have subsided so no longer a problem. I do however have a problem with my desktop not shutting down properly while connected to the iDock. I think this may actually be a problem with bios settings and may possibly need a bios update. I currently have to unplug the power from the iDock whille shutting down or my desktop hangs in a semi shutdown state. I think Windows as shutdown but the pc still has power as all the leds are on including RGB Ram and GFX etc. I think it may have something to do with wake on events but not sure! I will continue to investigate.

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Hi there,
Thanks for your update about the flickering issues and we are glad to hear form you it has been solved.
For the new issues,please check it as our iDock C10 only work to
switch the signal and not affect the PC turn off.
Best Regards,