KD-E10 Ethernet issue


I recently bought the KD-E10 KVM switch, generally it works fine, but I have an issue with Ethernet on various MacBooks.

I have several MacBook Pro at home and here is what I see:

  1. 16" MBP 2021 (M1 Pro, 32 GB), Model A2485. Sequoia 15.2. Ethernet service was created automatically and works.
  2. 14" MBP 2021 (M1 Pro, 32GB), Model A2442. Sequoia 15.2. Ethernet service was created automatically, but the status keeps “Not connected”. Tried to pull cable from a network switch, disable/enable port on the switch with no luck. I’m in doubt it’s a cable, as if I reconnect USB-C from this laptop to the one from above, it works.
  3. 13" MBP 2019 Four Thunderbolt 3 ports, Model A1989. Sonoma 14.6.1. Ethernet service was not created, when I click “Create service” it shows only Thunderbolt. If I open System Information and choose the USB section under the Hardware, the USB 10/100/1000 LAN appears under USB 3.1 Bus → USB 3.1 Hub.

I checked all of this after I flashed the latest version (1.0.6) I found in the KD-E10: wrong computer is woken up thread.

How can I make Ethernet working for all of my laptops?

P.S. The System information says “Speed: Up to 5 Gb/s”, and I suspect you use RTL 8153. Will I get faster than 1gbit connection if I connect it to multigigabit switch (say 2.5G or 5G)?

Hello Igor,

Thanks for reaching to us.
And have you also upgraded another firmware file(V1.0.2) to have a check?

No, I did not. I saw the same behaviour for 2 M1 MBPs before upgrading to 1.0.6 when it was running 1.0.5.

I was browsing the net yesterday looking for info about the Realtek chip, it seems it’s in use in many USB dongles, and I found mentions about similar issue (with one of the dongles, not AV Access device), and the guy “fixed” it by shutting down (not rebooting) the laptop and powering it on afterwards. I will try that as well.

If I have some time tonight, I will give it a try, but can you please confirm that downgrading firmware from 1.0.6 to 1.0.2 and then upgrading it back is safe?

Hello Igor,

That is OK,the KVMS0201-4K202-B60-YMODEM-TPS65988-V1.2.0 firmware file is different with the V 1.0.6,so you can try upgrade it. And the V 1.0.2 just for the USB-C connection.

What does this mean? Is it “it only supports USB-C device and does not support DisplayPort/HDMI+USB-B one”? If so, I will pass, as the only USB-C devices I have is the MacBooks, and the AV Access Firmware Update tool for Macbook does not see any COM ports. So, if the firmware does not support the desktop (DisplayPort/HDMI+USB-B) I will not be able to flash 1.0.6 back.

I just shutdown the 14" MBP laptop (the one could not activate the service) and turned it on with the KVM connected, and this fixed the Ethernet for this one.

I disconnected it from the KVM, put it into sleep, and in a minute connected it to the KVM again and woke it up, the service remains there.

So that trick seems fixed the issue. I will try the trick with the older laptop and report back.

You may want to add this to the Knowledge base/FAQ/manual.

so sorry for the confusion.
Normally,when update to V1.0.5 and also need the V 1.2.0 file together(So sorry for the mistake in above message). So I asked you try upgrade it if you not do it while upgrade to V 1.0.5. But just try upgrade to V 1.0.6 if your device has came with V 1.0.5 when you got it.
The “KVMS0201-4K202-B60-YMODEM-TPS65988-V1.2.0.zip” file only for the USB-C chip and the “KVMS0201-4K202-B60-YMODEM-V1.0.6.zip” file upgrade for the device except the USB-C chip.

Ah, I see what you mean. It came with V1.0.5, and I updated it to V1.0.6 yesterday. So it should already have 1.2.0 for USB-C, and there is no point to try upgrade V1.2.0. Is this correct?

Yeah,that’s right.
And have you tried test with the solution mentions in the net?

Yes, see my comment above - it worked for my M1 MBP, haven’t tried yet for the older MBP (2019 Intel with older MacOS, where the service is missing completely).

The same trick worked with 13" MBP 2019 Model A1989. Sonoma 14.6.1. After I shut it down and then booted up, the service detected and became active.

So, as a conclusion, with this chip, on Macs, if the service is not detected and becomes active, the laptop needs to be shutdown (not rebooted), and then powered on while it’s connected to the switch.